About Perth Sites Web Design & SEO
About Perth Sites
Starting back in 2001, we were at the forefront of the emerging Web Development industry in Perth. We quickly grew from a small home office to a very busy Victoria Park office with a young dynamic team of 7 full time staff along with specialist contractors.
We work with a simple philosophy of only doing commercial work when it is likely to be cost effective. Consistantly giving clients a good return for their investment has meant we have been booked out indefinitenly since inception despite having never advertised at all since 2003.
Owner/Project Manager: Mike 'Akerz' Akerman
Mike is Perth’s most experienced hands-on, full-stack Website Developer with over 20 years experience working on hundreds of websites for all types of businesses. Being a laid back 7th generation Australian, he is just plain easy to deal with and makes himself available personally to all Perth Sites clients.
Perth Sites became a success because of Mike’s honesty, hard work and genuine desire to help other businesses thrive. Mike has an excellent rapport with every client, many of whom have worked with us for over 15 years.

If you’re interested in maybe working with us, feel free to contact Mike directly by phone on (08) 6102 0016, by Whatsapp (+61 438 926 111) or by email.
Website Services
Perth Sites began in 2001 as primarily a Web Development firm which quickly grew to busy office with 7 full time staff. Although we are rarely able to take on new clients, we still provide the same services as when we began developing websites in 2001. These include: web design & development, web hosting, domain name registration, search engine optimisation, website maintenance & e-commerce.
To view a sample of websites we have created since 2001, please see our website portfolio.
Website Directory
(Our directly is currently disabled)
What started off as simply a website portfolio in 2002 slowly grew to be one of Australia’s most visited directories with over 7,000,000 visitors. Businesses were not simply listed with minimal information, they had full pages dedicated to their business which included logos, screenshots, maps, reviews & contact details. Advertisers on Perth Sites didn’t just get a “listing”, they get their own webpage which greatly compliment their existing website. These individual pages were highly optimised for search engines and were usually very well ranked on google and other search engines. In some cases, a company’s website listing at Perth Sites got more visitors from search engines than their own company website.
September 2021 – Covid-19 Pandemic Latest Update
What’s Happening With Mike & Perth Sites During Ongoing Pandemic?
G’day!! At the beginning of the Covid-19 Pandemic in 2020, I was already splitting my time between my homes in Perth and Bali. Being used to often working from Bali, I made the decision to stay and work from here until the pandemic was over. As with most people, I didn’t expect the situation to stretch out as long as it has. It’s now been over 18 months since I’ve set foot in Perth but it’s still business as usual. Bali is the same time zone as Perth and I work normal business hours with help from just 2 staff working overlapping hours.
We continue to offer all our website services with meetings held online when needed. We have extremely small overheads and despite services improving, we have reduced all of our charges. We even offer free hosting and domain names for our web development customers. As soon as restrictions in Australia and Indonesia change, I will be back in Perth and available again for face-to-face meetings! Meanwhile, stay safe and feel free to contact me directly if you think I can possibly help in any way.

Mike ‘Akerz’ Akerman
Ph: (08) 6102 0016
Whatsapp: +61 438 926 111